Saturday, July 7, 2012

Auto form fill add-on for Firefox

Many of you might have found difficulty in filling online form.There are many form filling software , form filling program and auto form fill ad on. If you had to fill multiple forms and feels hard to retype every thing here is a simple tool. Its a add on for Firefox .

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

How to send large files upto 2GB through mail

A common user of the internet usually send a document or even a attached jpeg, or a pdf file through a common mail. Most of the mail like gmail,yahhoo,rediff does not support attachment of larger file more than 10 Mb. Think of  a situation when you have taken a video an the file is about 12 Mb. You cannot attach the file as its larger tahn 10 Mb limit.The first option is to zip them to a compressed folder and then attach it. But even after zipping if the file is more than 10 Mb what to do.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Deleting private data from Opera Browser

Another browser that we are discussing is the opera browser. It also a incredible browser with lots of variety. This browser has a compression technology with the name turbo  to browse the websites if we have a slower connection.
As with any other browser this also saves our private information such as history, visited pages, cookie files passwords etc which may sometimes be hacked. So its better to clear all the private data frequently.