Saturday, July 7, 2012

Auto form fill add-on for Firefox

Many of you might have found difficulty in filling online form.There are many form filling software , form filling program and auto form fill ad on. If you had to fill multiple forms and feels hard to retype every thing here is a simple tool. Its a add on for Firefox .

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

How to send large files upto 2GB through mail

A common user of the internet usually send a document or even a attached jpeg, or a pdf file through a common mail. Most of the mail like gmail,yahhoo,rediff does not support attachment of larger file more than 10 Mb. Think of  a situation when you have taken a video an the file is about 12 Mb. You cannot attach the file as its larger tahn 10 Mb limit.The first option is to zip them to a compressed folder and then attach it. But even after zipping if the file is more than 10 Mb what to do.